host the geeks in your city

What is the 42Geeks Trip?

Welcome to 42Geeks, where innovation meets exploration. Our exclusive trip invites a handpicked group of investors, successful founders, and emerging entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley and across the globe to immerse themselves in the world's most vibrant tech ecosystems. Our primary goal is to foster cross-border investments, partnerships, and connections that propel businesses to new heights.

Success Stories

Many of our past trips have resulted in transformative
cross-border investments, partnerships, and connections.
The 42Geeks experience has a track record of propelling businesses to new heights and cultivating lifelong friendships.

A Legacy of Innovation

Formerly known as Geeks on a Plane (GOAP), 42Geeks was relaunched in 2022 by Silicon Valley investor Dave McClure and serial entrepreneur Chok Ooi. With a legacy of connecting visionaries, we continue to evolve and redefine the boundaries of what's possible in the tech world.

Fostering Collaboration

Host companies and organizations have the opportunity to sponsor our trips, curate events, lead keynotes, and feature their startups to our visiting Geeks. This sponsorship offers exclusive access to a network of innovators and investors.

Selection Process

Attendees are meticulously selected based on their ability to initiate, scale, and sell successful ventures, as well as their capacity to invest globally. We curate a group of 45 to 55 individuals who represent the best and brightest in the tech industry.

Benefits for Event Hosts and Sponsors

Hosting the 42Geeks group on-site is a unique opportunity to gain exclusive access to our exceptional network.

Benefits of a co-host:

  • Feature your country and build awareness of your tech ecosystem.

  • Curate events and invite your local contacts to speak to and mingle with the Geeks.

  • Spend intimate time with the Geeks by riding the bus and going to official and after-hour activities.

  • Be part of our exclusive network and join our private Whatsapp channel and to continue engaging with the Geeks post-trip.

Expectations of a co-host:

We understand that many of our co-hosts are busy people. As a co-hosts, you can spend as much or as little time collaborating with our operations team. Here are some expectations:

  • Develop ideas and curate events: Work with our events team to curate ideas for events and activities. If you’re busy, just connect our events team to your assistant or the right folks, and we can work directly with them on the details.

  • Decide who to invite: As a co-host, you have the privilege of deciding who to invite to speak to or network with the Geeks.

  • Introduce sponsors: Help connect us with local companies, government agencies, or VCs that could be potential cash or in-kind sponsors.

  • Suggest venues: Help us find venues to host our events and activities.

example events and activities:

Below are some of the example events during our Geeks tour. We always welcome new ideas and innovative ways to engage and build connections.

  • Fireside Chats (Panels): Engage in insightful off-the-record discussions of the local ecosystem.

  • Speed Pitches: Invite early stage startups to participate in rapid-fire startup pitches followed by feedback sessions.

  • Keynotes or Presentations: Invite influential speakers to give talks about the state of the tech ecosystem.

  • Mentoring Sessions: Invite founders to participate in an intimate mentoring session with the Geeks.

  • Company or Site Visits: Invite the Geeks to visit emerging startups or exciting Unicorns in your city.

  • Networking Sessions: Seek sponsors and host happy hours, luncheons or dinners where local founders/investors/government officials can network with the Geeks.

  • Cultural Events: Introduce your local culture, cuisine or activities to the Geeks.

  • Local Tours: Organize local tours where Geeks get to know your city and country.

Sponsorship Opportunities

At 42Geeks, we believe in forging meaningful partnerships that benefit everyone involved.
That's why we offer various sponsorship opportunities:


  • Customized sponsorship plan to align with your marketing goals.

  • Co-branded event where you get to present your company, products or portfolio companies.

  • Exclusive 1:1 meetings with select attendees.

  • Prominent placement of your company's logo on our website and at major events.

  • A prestigious speaking slot at one of our key events.

  • Exclusive access to network with, contact, and market to our visiting Geeks.

  • Opportunity to send a targeted email to all the visiting Geeks post-trip.


  • Feature your company's logo on our website and at a selected event or venue.

  • A 10-minute slot to introduce your company, product, or services.

  • Invitation to an after-hours geek party with additional networking opportunities.


We welcome in-kind sponsorships such as sponsoring our hotels, transportation, hosting networking drinks or dinners, providing venue sponsorship, or sponsoring fun or cultural activities. As an in-kind sponsor:

  • Have your company logo featured on our website and marketing materials.

  • Recognition and shoutouts during the sponsored event.


Apply to be a Host here!